The Big Five are five characteristics that are believed to be responsible for people’s differences in personality:
This model is also known as OCEAN or CANOE after the initials of the five traits, as well as the five-factor model of personality.
While they can change over time it is generally not argued that they change depending on a person’s context.
Professional games can provide an exemplary environment for more people’s unfiltered personalities to come forward. Designers should be mindful of how great a cognitive load they put on to players, with the aim of bringing out insights into the Big Five characteristics.
If you want to appeal to the widest potential player base possible with a game, in a professional game where there are a variety of roles available, these criteria can be used to think about the requirements of each formal or informal role.
All Evivve sessions are followed up with analyses of how players performed, and what that indicates for them as individuals, as well as for the team as a whole. One of the reports provided for putting the players’ performance into the context of the Big Five model.
Evivve is specifically designed to make each of these five characteristics clear to the facilitator, and potentially the player themselves.
The Big Five characteristics are usually measured using self-reporting in response to surveys or other question formats. A professional game, such as Evivve, provides a concentrated environment where the emergence of each characteristic for each player can be examined unhindered by that player’s conscious filtering. Explore the Personal Dynamic Report.
The Discovery and Evolution of the Big Five of Personality Traits: A Historical Review - Florencio (Jun) Kabigting, Jr, Division of Behavioral & Organizational Sciences, Claremont Graduate University (CGU)
Stability and Change in the Big Five Personality Traits: Findings from a Longitudinal Study of Mexican-Origin Adults
A critical analysis of Cattell's model of personality PhD thesis by Peter Saville
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