Best Practices
You can see how much Movilennium the team has from your dashboard. You may wish to share this with the players.
Depending on the aim of the session you might want to drop hints about the requirement for Movilennium and the pooling of resources, or leave the players to learn directly from mistakes.
Reasons for Inclusion Within The Game
- Gathering sufficient Movilennium is the ultimate goal of the game. However, the players don't explicitly know the exact numbers of MVs required, this is something they have to discover as they play the game. They can work out how much is needed using simple arithmetic. Players can see the number of Movilenniums they have submitted and they can see the percentage by which their Genome Alteration Experiment increases based on the number of Movilenniums they've submitted.
- As a clear goal of the game the acquisition of Movilennium keeps the game relatively simple. This enables both the players and facilitators to concentrate on the strategies and interactions towards this goal, rather than the players having a variety of choices on how to win. This also enables a clear evaluation of whether the team succeeded or failed, which is common in video games, and also enables a facilitator to focus on what caused that success or failure.
- Movilennium is an invented resource so that players are immediately immersed in the fantastical scenario, and ensures that there won’t be any movilennium “experts” arguing around what it is or is not capable of.
- The theme of acquiring resources in this way is common enough in video games that any players familiar with the genre will quickly pick up the concept, and have an opportunity to share that knowledge with other players.
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