Best Practices for Facilitators
- The Tribe Rep value for the tribe overall will be available in the dashboard. This is calculated by dividing the number of offers delivered by the number of offers accepted by the tribe as a whole, and multiplying that result by 10. Players should realise that their ability to fulfill offers affects how many offers they subsequently receive, just like real life business, but you may wish to allude to or directly explain this connection.
- This mechanism can be hidden completely from the players, or you can report any change to the value of Tribe Rep directly too them, depending on your overall aims for the session, and how many sessions you have with them.
As with real life, this mechanic is hidden from the players, whereas financial costs and balances are clearly described. This can lead players to focus on what information they have, rather than on information that is more useful. You can invite players to reflect on similar situations within their professional lives. - While Chief Offers are shown to all players, only one player will know if they successfully fulfilled that offer in time. While it will request in busy voice communication you can encourage players to announce when offers are successfully delivered as an indirect way of assessing their Tribe Rep in the eyes of the Chief. Well organised teams may even with to track this in writing.
- Evivve the game provides opportunities to discuss cognitive load, how much effort is required trying to discern if their Tribe Rep is increasing or decreasing while managing busy harvesting efforts? Is that too much effort when watching their own harvests, and discussing strategy within the team?
Reasons for Inclusion Within the Game
The Tribe Rep provides a realistic mechanism that mirrors how customers react to businesses meeting, or failing to meet, their promises.
As a hidden mechanism Tribe Rep gives the facilitator an optional item to discuss before, during, or after an Evivve session. This enables the facilitator to tailor the session to the players and their context, rather than being forced through a standard process.
Challenges and Considerations
- Some players will not consider the consequences of a good or bad Tribe Rep and just react to incoming Chief Offers as quickly as possible. Decide whether to let the team handle the effects of that choice, or whether to provide some timely advice on what the Chief currently thinks of the tribe.
- While they are presented with so much information the players will have little information on their Tribe Rep. This means that they, as a whole, can not be aware of the effect it has - unintentionally sabotaging their efforts from early on in the session. If they are concerned about the lack of Chief Offers encourage them to think through what might be causing this, and how they should counter that negative effect.
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